Terk AF-9330 AM/FM Indoor Amplified Tower Antenna Review

Terk AF-9330 AM/FM Indoor Amplified Tower AntennaI was hoping to improve reception on a few stations , so I decided to replace the twin lead dipole (passive) antenna that came with my new tuner with the Terk Tower. I have the AM Advantage loop and that works fairly well, so I figured this powered antenna would be a lot better.

Well, bad reasoning. On FM, it doesn't work NEARLY as well as a 32" piece of plain old wire on any of my radio recievers.In some cases, stations that could be tuned reasonably well with *nothing at all* attached to the FM inputs, and no internal antenna, could no longer be received with the Terk Tower attached.

Those that could be tuned with the antenna attached had grotesque distortion. This despite turning the gain adjustment dial in either direction. It was functioning, as at low levels of gain, the station dropped off completely, and definitely changed as you moved it. So it wasn't just broken. I could get barely acceptable reception on a few stations with micro-fine adjustments of the dial. But even at best all stations had all sorts of fuzz and dropouts. You could turn it up enough to swamp the receiver ACG circuit, but the distortion never goes away as you turn it down the point of losing lock completely.

On AM, it doesn't make it worse, but it doesn't help, either. On all the weak stations I have tried, I simply can't tell the difference in the results. Once again, fiddling with the gain control changes it, but at maximum boost, it's pretty much what I was getting with the the teeny little loop antenna that bolts to the back of the tuner. At lower gain settings you just can't hear the station at all.

For all intents and purposes, it just doesn't seem to work,I tried it on 4 different tuners/radios in 4 different places in my house, and in every case it made the FM reception MUCH worse than the stock antennas, and AM reception no better than the stock or internal antennas. I'm probably going to break it open and try attaching different lengths of wire in place of the stock antenna, and see if that helps. But I get the impression that the booster amplifer just isn't up to the task of passing 107.7 MHz., and introduces too much distortion at FM freqencies. It almost has to be - because a plain old wire that length is MUCH better.

Even though it was pretty inexpensive, I was very disappointed with this antenna. You'll get FAR better reception with a bent coat hanger. And that's free with your dry cleaning.

(addendum - I finally broke my antenna open, and now it's clear why it doesn't work on AM any better than a stock antenna. It's because inside the tower, for AM, is a small, unamplified, loop antenna! It's not even connected to the circuitry. Which begs the question of why turning the dial affects the AM performance. I speculate that the AM loop and the FM amplifier are interfering with each other - and that the AM is getting into the FM amp, causing modulation at the FM subcarrier frequency, hence, really fuzzy FM reception - and also dragging energy out of the AM loop more or less depending on the FM amp setting. BTW, the FM antenna is a piece of bare copper wire running the length of the antenna. Short answer is still the same - it's junk, don't waste your money)

Click Here to see more reviews about: Terk AF-9330 AM/FM Indoor Amplified Tower Antenna

Product Description:
One of the world's most popular and recognizable antennas, AM/FM Tower (AF-9330) features a built-in amplifier that can be adjusted to the optimum level to strengthen weaker or distant stations, without over-boosting stronger or closer stations. The high-performance, high value AM/FM Tower is actually two antennas in one - it can function either as an omnidirectional antenna for great reception from all directions, or as a directional antenna to zero in on distant or weak stations.Exclusive Air Coil technology isolates AM and FM antenna elements from each other for increased selectivity with greatly reduced static and noise. AM/FM Tower features a non-skid base, which keeps antenna in place during adjustment.

Buy cheap Terk AF-9330 AM/FM Indoor Amplified Tower Antenna now

Sirius 14130 20-Foot Car Antenna Extension Cable Review

Sirius 14130 20-Foot Car Antenna Extension CableAfter scouring the net for information, checking out many retail stores, and calling many distributors I was unable to verify the key piece of information I needed to know... how THICK or THIN is the wire on this extension?I was able to see the 50' in person and it's basically the same thickness as a standard cable tv coax wire, which certainly wasn't going to pass through my window like my skinny Dot Micro wire could.

I'm very happy to report I know the answer since I now have the product in hand.I went ahead and ordered this "vehicle" version after closely comparing the largest online pictures I could find.I noticed, based on comparing the wire to the standardized SMB connector that Sirius uses for its antennas, that the vehicle wire appeared to be smaller.Indeed it is!It's basically exactly the same thickness (or thinness in this case) as my Dot Micro, which is to say quite thin.I'm still able to pass it through my window with it closed!In case you need an exact number (which I certainly couldn't find in my research) the diameter appears to be 3/32in.

This actually came with TWO boots for the incoming antenna, one for a straight (which I've heard is the only kind that'll work with the 50' version) AND a right-angle boot as well.The sealing isn't exactly great so I taped the heck out of it once I had it all connected up.The "amplifier" end actually has two small holes in it that are rather obviously for (non-included) screws.That is nice for securing it down so it doesn't flap around in the breeze if used in an outdoor install, which it is also rated for.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Sirius 14130 20-Foot Car Antenna Extension Cable

Product Description:
Improve your satellite radio reception while driving with this 20-footextension cable. The cable, which works with all Sirius antennas and receivers, is perfectfor drivers who aren't satisfied with their current reception, as its built-in amplifier helpsboost the signal to eliminate interference. As a result, all of Sirius's more than 130 digitalmusic, sports, news, talk, and entertainment streams come through loud and clear. Thecable is also appropriate for indoor and outdoor use, with a Teflon-coated surface thatresists inclement weather and prevents scratches. Finally, the extension cable is backedby a 90-day warranty.
What's in the Box
20-foot extension cable.

Buy cheap Sirius 14130 20-Foot Car Antenna Extension Cable now

Stereo ANTENNA Harness Ford Focus 00 01 02 03 04 (car radio wiring installation parts) Review

Stereo ANTENNA Harness Ford Focus 00 01 02 03 04Purchased this item in combination with wiring harness and faceplate adapter kits (sold separately). Works as advertised -- a little snug when connecting to the existing antenna connector but did connect after applying a bit of pressure to snap together. Does not look like the photo shown -- it's actually a wire about 6-8 inches long with standard connector on one side and adapter female connector for antenna on the other end.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Stereo ANTENNA Harness Ford Focus 00 01 02 03 04 (car radio wiring installation parts)

Buy cheap Stereo ANTENNA Harness Ford Focus 00 01 02 03 04 (car radio wiring installation parts) now

Kaito KA007L 4-Way Powered Emergency Radio Review

Kaito KA007L 4-Way Powered Emergency RadioI'm keeping a log on my word processor to give you a better review:

I received the radio from Amazon and immediately opened the package and gave the radio 60 turns with the dynamo crank handle (approx. 30 seconds).Then I turned on the radio.I've started checking all the features of the radio and so far everything works fine.All the radio channels worked great, but I had trouble with the band slide switches.It was very difficult to see what band the switch was set to because the color of the case is black and the switches are black.Also the switches have vertical grooves along the length of the slider switch.You couldn't tell if the grooves were suppose to point to the bands or what... but if you looked VERY close you can see that there is a small indented dot in the middle of the switch, which is also black.This small indented dot is your marker to show which band the radio is tuned to.I just so happened to have a Sharpie pen with metallic silver ink.Filling the indented dot with this metallic silver ink makes it so much easier to switch bands without having to start at one end and counting the click of the switch as you slide it across the bands.Also the silver ink dot on the slide switches make the front of the radio look much better.

The eight led lamps in the handle acts like a lantern and gives enough light to see what you are doing in a dark room.You have to get close the lamps to be able to read.

Lets go back to when I first turned on the radio.Remember, I gave the crank handle 60 turns and started my evaluation.This is the 3rd day I've had the radio and it's still playing!!!!It hasn't been on continually for all this time, but I've spent a several hours a day with the radio playing while I check out all the features.I can't believe the radio is still playing.... I keep checking the battery compartment to make sure there are no batteries loaded.It is empty.... The only battery it's using is the chargeable built-in battery.I figure it must have been charged when I got it, because I can't see turning the crank handle 60 times would charge the battery for this length of time.Maybe it could be the solar panel picking up light from inside the house and keeping it going.When it finally runs out of juice, I'll let you know and then how long it actually runs with 60 cranks of the dynamo handle.

There is a small user's pamphlet that comes with the radio. The pamphlet looks like something that came out of a box of cracker jacks.The 3" x 4" pamphlet has only 6 pages and has lots of errors in it.Main thing to remember is; to receive AM, both slide switches have to be on AM; to receive the short-wave (SW) channels, the left slide switch has to be on AM, then select the SW bands with the middle slide switch; to receive all the other bands such as FM, TV1, TV2, WX.VHF, the middle switch can be on any position.The TV bands will go dead in a few days if not already when the broadcast stations change from analog to digital for visual and audio transmission.But who knows, later on some other entity may pick up the unused TV frequencies and you will have access to them.

Day 4:Still playing, but most of the high frequency stations are very weak and hard to tune...probably because of the low voltage of the built-in chargeable battery.The only frequency still playing good is the AM stations.They still sound great.At the top left of the radio, there are 3 indicator lamps.Two are for the power of the charge (low and high) and the other is the tuning indicator.The high power lamp has always been lit since I turned on the radio.

Day 5:The radio is still playing, so I turned on the lantern and left it on while the radio was playing.The radio finally ran down after a few more hours of use and the low power light is now on.
Now for more tests;after cranking the radio for 1 minute (approx. 120 turns), the radio played for about 30 minutes.Only the low frequency channel AM came in clear.Apparently the higher frequencies require a more fully charged battery.I'll check that later.

One hour of direct sunlight allowed the radio to play for about 15 minutes.Apparently in the summertime, it should charge better and play longer.Still only the AM channels will play good.The other frequencies are very weak and hard to tune.
I don't know how long you should charge the radio with the AC charger, but I left it on charge about 24 hours and now all channels are playing good, even the higher frequency channels.

Because you can't play the higher frequencies, and can only play the AM channels when the radio is charged with the crank or sunlight, I'm only giving this product a 2 star rating.

There is no light for the dial, but in a dark room, you can turn on the lantern and shield the LEDs in the handle with your hand to reflect light to the dial to see it.

There is a wire antenna included to help tune in some of the higher Short Wave stations, but there is no place on the radio to plug it into or connect it.I have searched every mm of the radio and can't find a receptacle for it.The lower Short Wave channels work fine with the telescoping antenna when the charge power is strong.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Kaito KA007L 4-Way Powered Emergency Radio

Product Description:
Stay prepared and informed with the KA007L from KAITO. If the power goes out and batteries aren't available, the KA007L can function for up to an hour with only two minutes of hand cranking or an hour's exposure under direct sunlight Its built-in generator means that even in the most desperate situations, you'll still have access to local news and information - as well as to news from around the world. Plus it comes with a 8-LED camping lantern. The unit's 10-band tuning receives AM, FM, SW 1-4, weather and aviation stations.

Buy cheap Kaito KA007L 4-Way Powered Emergency Radio now Get 36% OFF

Antenna/hdtv/fm Hd Radio Indoor Review

Antenna/hdtv/fm Hd Radio IndoorThis beats some pricier amplified Radio-Shack antennas. They both seemed to have
damaged amplifiers.This is tough and effective, if fussy.
You must understand: a tuned antenna cannot make the 'scan all' feature work well.
You have to know the station number, set it, tweek the tuner knob and ant. position.
If you write the station positions with a small magic marker, you can make it work well.
I mainly listen to two stations, and one has 4 PBS channels on it, so this antenna
works great for 'pet' stations.For hassle-free all-channel reception, you need
one of the "two bowties/cat's whiskers on a grille' type antennas in the attic
or on the roof.If you are close in with plenty of signal, Rad-Shacks $4
wire bowtie antenna is remarkable.But I like this one to tweek Channel
44-1-2-3-4 and 7-1-2 in the den.I tried it on HD FM....it works well.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Antenna/hdtv/fm Hd Radio Indoor

Buy cheap Antenna/hdtv/fm Hd Radio Indoor now

Universal Satellite Radio Antenna Review

Universal Satellite Radio AntennaI have a sirius boombox with the little black flip up antenna that came with the radio. It got sporatic or no reception coming out of my man cave in the bacement that has a window surounded by an outside window well that you can climb down into. I got the Pro600 which is designed to mount outside on the side of the house or roof with the included 25 ft cable, and tried it inside. I put it on the window sill where the black flip antenna sat, no reception, then I backed the Pro 600 two feet away from the window and WHAM, super strong signal! It's sitting on the floor pointed toward the window with the window blinds closed. I have it propped up verticaly with a 10 pack of dvd-rw's. This antenna blows the flip antenna away, and I dont have to deal with the hassle of mounting it outside and running the cable through the window. Highly recommended.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Universal Satellite Radio Antenna

Product Description:
This antenna has been designed to receive XM and Sirius signals simultaneously. Its wide beam-width permits fast alignment and installation. It is backwards compatible with all existing satellite radio receivers and is ideal for use with next generation interoperable receivers.

Buy cheap Universal Satellite Radio Antenna now

Kaito Amplified Active Loop Shortwave Antenna, KA31 Review

Kaito Amplified Active Loop Shortwave Antenna, KA31I'm actually using the Degen DE31, which is the same exact product as the KA31 marketed outside the United States. I purchased the antenna with my Kaito KA1102 (Degen DE1102) radio because radio waves tend to find certain parts of my apartment to be rather opaque. It is an excellent (and inexpensive) competitor to Sony's window antenna, and it is very easy to use. The long (~5m) cable connecting the tuner to the loop allows me to use the antenna while keeping the radio at my desk. While I haven't used it much with the higher frequencies, the loop seems to work well across the indicated spectral range (3.9 -- 22 MHz). The suction cup holds well, and the option drapery clip was a nice touch. While the standard connector is a 1/8" plug, you can still use this loop even if your radio doesn't have an external antenna jack. The antenna set includes an optional adaptor that allows you to clip the antenna to your radio's built-in whip.

If you decide to purchase this antenna, you'll also need two AAA batteries. My only other caution about this antenna is that the tuning knob is a bit sensitive for my preferences. This, however, is a very mild inconvenience, and I would easily purchase this antenna again.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Kaito Amplified Active Loop Shortwave Antenna, KA31

Product Description:
The newly released KA31 portable active loop antenna is just right for the traveller who wants maximum performance from his/her worldband radio. The flexible folding loop antenna is 15 inches when fully extended, but folds down with a twist to a mere 6 inches (18 cm) and neatly fits in the supplied plastic blister. A mounting clip and suction cup on the end of the loop allows easy placement in a variety of situations. The suction cup is especially useful for mounting the antenna to a window where reception will often be the best.The loop antenna is then connected to the amplified tuning RF control box powered by 2 AAA alkaline batteries (not included) via the 15 foot cable. An 18" cable comes out of the control box and this is either plugged into the radio's 1/8" antenna jack where possible or an adapter (included) is used to clip to its lowered telescopic whip antenna. For desktop radio the adapter is used to clip the leads to the radio's antenna and ground connectors.

Buy cheap Kaito Amplified Active Loop Shortwave Antenna, KA31 now Get 50% OFF

Terk SIRMINI SIRIUS Satellite Radio Roof Mount Antenna Review

Terk SIRMINI SIRIUS Satellite Radio Roof Mount AntennaThis antenna worked perfectly for me for exactly 30 days.At that point, I kept getting "Antenna Not Detected" messages on every receiver I tried.When I examined the plug that connects to the receiver, I noticed that a tiny cylinder of metal inside the plug had fallen out.It's gone, now, and without that piece to make contact, the antenna is useless.

Be VERY careful when connecting or disconnecting this antenna from a receiver, as this piece is VERY easy to break, and you will be left with a useless piece of equipment.

While it WAS functioning, however, it performed its job quite nicely.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Terk SIRMINI SIRIUS Satellite Radio Roof Mount Antenna

Product Description:
A new addition to the SIRIUS Satellite Radio Antenna product line. The SIR-Mini replaces the SIR3. This product is a roof mount antenna designed for single input receivers and as replacement units for the Sirius Plug and Play systems. The SIR-Mini is approximately 50% smaller by volume than its predessor, the SIR-3.

Buy cheap Terk SIRMINI SIRIUS Satellite Radio Roof Mount Antenna now

Broadband Amplifiers ARG-2301A 802.11b/g WiFi Signal Booster w/5dBi Antenna Review

Broadband Amplifiers ARG-2301A 802.11b/g WiFi Signal Booster w/5dBi AntennaThis unit improved my signal and range, I did upgrade the antenna to 7db Hyperlink Technologies - HG2407RD-RSP. Recommend this unit to anyone looking to improve their signal. At this price it's a bargain...

Click Here to see more reviews about: Broadband Amplifiers ARG-2301A 802.11b/g WiFi Signal Booster w/5dBi Antenna

Product Description:
Boost your wireless signal!This Broadband Amplifiers ARG-2301A 2.4 GHz WiFi Signal Booster can help you increase your wireless coverage and throughput. It's ideal for use with detachable 2.4 GHz antenna equipments and works with most wireless access points/routers. Simply attach the booster in between the antenna and wireless access point or router and watch your range grow! Get that extra boost and stay more productive with the help of this Broadband Amplifiers ARG-2301A 2.4 GHz WiFi Signal Booster!

Buy cheap Broadband Amplifiers ARG-2301A 802.11b/g WiFi Signal Booster w/5dBi Antenna now

Kaito KA009R 4-Way Powered Emergency Crank Radio Review

Kaito KA009R 4-Way Powered Emergency Crank RadioOkay, I really do like this little radio and I am definitely happy I bought it!The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is that I bought THIS model due to the cell phone charger, but in receiving this model, it did NOT have a charge set up for MY CELL PHONE the LG 8400 and that was the reason I bought it for $20 more than the other one.
I also bought the flashlight that cranks.I feel that this was a very worthwhile buy especially when you have several choices for power.I especially like that if the a/c runs out, you have AA batteries, solar and if all else fails.......hand crank power!This is a worthy buy!
Oh by the way, it is also a short wave radio so you can listen to the world when all of the lights are out and you are bored!

Click Here to see more reviews about: Kaito KA009R 4-Way Powered Emergency Crank Radio

Product Description:
The KA009R portable radio is perfect for emergency situations and is also ideal for anyone who does not have access to a reliable AC power source. The radio can be powered by solar energy, batteries, AC adapter and hand-crank generator (magneto). With coverage of the AM/FM/TV/AIR/Weather broadcast bands, plus 4 shortwave bands, you'll never run out of things to listen to!

Buy cheap Kaito KA009R 4-Way Powered Emergency Crank Radio now Get 29% OFF

Terk XM5 Marine XM Satellite Radio Antenna Review

Terk XM5 Marine XM Satellite Radio AntennaIt is clear that the engineering group that designed this antennae had little prior experience with marine installations. To begin with, antennae itself is much larger than it needs to be to do what it does. Secondly, the design requires the drilling of a one half inch diameter hole to allow the largest part of the connection to be made below the mounting surface. The alternative would have been to design it so that you could bring the smaller connector up through a three sixteenth to one quarter inch hole to make the connection in the body of the antennae. Generally speaking, in marine applications the larger the hole the greater the likelihood of a significant leak.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Terk XM5 Marine XM Satellite Radio Antenna

Product Description:
TERKs XM5 is a compact, high-performance marine antenna designed specifically for XM Satellite Radio reception. The XM5 provides clear XM Satellite Radio reception coverage within operational signal range. The XM5 has perfectly sealed housing that is weather and salt-water proof for long life. It includes a splitter to connect to all existing XM Radio tuners. The XM5 is designed with the marine industry standard 1-14 thread-mounting bracket for easy installation using anymarine mount. In addition, the XM5 features one-cableinstallation that reduces your set-up time.

Buy cheap Terk XM5 Marine XM Satellite Radio Antenna now

XM101 Sportscaster Headset with XM Antenna & Portable Battery Kit Review

XM101 Sportscaster Headset with XM Antenna & Portable Battery KitI had used an xm2go portable unit in the past with an added external antenna.It was first generation equipment and it didn't work unless the unit and the antenna were fixed in location, hence no portability for walking.It just didn't work when I tried to use the service while I was out moving around.Fast forward to newer generation equipment and you get a reasonably priced headset/antenna with removable battery that works just like a charm with the equally reasonably priced Sportscaster.Now you can really be portable. I give this an enthusiastic two thumbs up.

Click Here to see more reviews about: XM101 Sportscaster Headset with XM Antenna & Portable Battery Kit

Product Description:
The XM101WK is designed for the sportscaster unit and includes a headset with integrated XM satellite radio antenna, rechargeable lithium ion battery, belt clip, and AC power adapter. The battery provides a 4 hour listening time.

Buy cheap XM101 Sportscaster Headset with XM Antenna & Portable Battery Kit now

Monster Cable Sirius Dish Mount Antenna - MSRANTDSS Review

Monster Cable Sirius Dish Mount Antenna - MSRANTDSSI purchased this for my Sirius indoor receiver. Many ways to mount the antenna, easy to install. I feel Monster makes a great produce and Amazon had it for a good price.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Monster Cable Sirius Dish Mount Antenna - MSRANTDSS

Product Description:
If you have a satellite TV dish, you already know how much satellite broadcasting can enhance your entertainment experience. SIRIUS Satellite Radio offers you over 120 channels of commercial-free music, live, play-by-play sports coverage, and world-class news programming and entertainment anytime you want it. But like satellite TV, you need a reliable antenna to receive all of the channels available. Monster SIRIUS Dish Mount/Outdoor Antenna features a specially designed mounting bracket that attaches to the mast of your existing pole-mounted satellite TV dish for easy mounting - without drilling any additional holes! It also works perfectly when mounted to a wall, under your eave, antenna pole mast or other outdoor location.

Buy cheap Monster Cable Sirius Dish Mount Antenna - MSRANTDSS now Get 51% OFF

K30 Magnetic Mount Antenna Review

K30 Magnetic Mount AntennaDidn't want the taller and more expensive K-40, opting instead for the cheaper and shorter K-30 for my Ford pickup.Reception is excellent and anyone I can hear can hear me.Low profile look that won't take away from your vehicle.Am very happy with the product and can recommend it.

Click Here to see more reviews about: K30 Magnetic Mount Antenna

Product Description:
Patterned after the number one selling K40 Baseload Antenna, the K30 is ideal for the CB'er who wants maximum performance from their antenna, but in a smaller, more versatile design. Computer designed and made in the USA, the K30 Antenna features a 14 gauge coil wire for maximum power handling, 15 feet of pre-wired RG-58, 95% shielded coax cable with pre-terminated connectors, and a 35" whip for low clearances. A heavy-duty 10 oz. magnetic base is strong enough to remain secure to any vehicle, even at high speeds, and makes mounting and removal of the antenna effortless. So it's perfect for multi-car families or use on leased or rented vehicles.

Buy cheap K30 Magnetic Mount Antenna now

Midland 18-2442 Mobile CB Antenna Review


Click Here to see more reviews about: Midland 18-2442 Mobile CB Antenna

Product Description:
This Mobile CB Antenna Center is loaded with 17-7 stainless steel whip. It features relief spring for minimizing whip damage. It is plastic-coated base to prevent rust.

Buy cheap Midland 18-2442 Mobile CB Antenna now

Kaito Amplified Active Loop AM & Shortwave Antenna, KA33 Review

Kaito Amplified Active Loop AM & Shortwave Antenna, KA33Yes, the antenna did give some improvement in reception for both SW and MW(AM) broadcasts. However, potential buyers new to SW radio should understand that it amplifies interference along with weak radio signals. But on fairly clean weak signals it is really helpful.

It should also be noted that my home location is not favorable for DX-ing - either SW or MW(AM) radio.In places like Mexico City however, this little antenna would most certainly excel -even when used with cheap SW or MW radios.My Kaito radio, when used with this antenna, compares unexpectedly well with my 15 pound Grundig Satellit 800 - when using only the Grundig's built-in antenna's - and using headphones on both radios.

Lastly, the antenna comes with several small pieces and perhaps should be kept together in the original box.For me this would take up too much room in my suitcase.I'll probably take the radio and leave the antenna at home when going on short trips.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Kaito Amplified Active Loop AM & Shortwave Antenna, KA33

Product Description:
The newly released KA33 portable active loop antenna is an improved version of widely praised shortwave antenna KA31, in addition to all the features of the KA31, the KA33 comes with a ferrite bar antenna to be coupled with radio's own antenna, thus greatly enhance its AM sensitivity & selectivity. It is an ideal choice for the traveller who wants maximum performance from his/her worldband radio. The flexible folding loop antenna is 15 inches when fully extended, but folds down with a twist to a mere 6 inches (18 cm) and neatly fits in the supplied plastic blister. A mounting clip and suction cup on the end of the loop allows easy placement in a variety of situations. The suction cup is especially useful for mounting the antenna to a window where reception will often be the best.The loop antenna is then connected to the amplified tuning RF control box powered by 2 AAA alkaline batteries (not included) via the 15 foot cable. An 18" cable comes out of the control box and this is either plugged into the radio's 1/8" antenna jack where possible or an adapter (included) is used to clip to its lowered telescopic whip antenna. For desktop radio the adapter is used to clip the leads to the radio's antenna and ground connectors.

Buy cheap Kaito Amplified Active Loop AM & Shortwave Antenna, KA33 now Get 25% OFF

SWR METER for CB Radio Antennas with 3' Jumper cable Review

SWR METER for CB Radio Antennas with 3' Jumper cableI bought this to tune in my new install, the meter was banging the side on all channels indicating a problem, I returned the antenna and got a replacement and had the same problem. Tech support suggested this meter was bad, I spent a little more money and bought a different model from Radio Shack to compare and it was a totally different ball game, I had the antenna tuned in five minutes and have had no problems. I would recommend spending a little more money and saving a whole lot of frustration.

Click Here to see more reviews about: SWR METER for CB Radio Antennas with 3' Jumper cable

Buy cheap SWR METER for CB Radio Antennas with 3' Jumper cable now

Falcon 11 Meter Dipole Cb Base Station Antenna Review

Falcon 11 Meter Dipole Cb Base Station AntennaI am very pleased with this purchase.Since installing the antenna in the attic, I have made numerous contacts.Some local and some DX.Everyone I have talked to has been impressed with output of this antenna and they don't believe me when I tell them it is installed in the attic.I have a 1.1 to 1.0 SWR from channel 1 thru 40.The antenna is well constructed and easy to install.I am very please with this product and would totally recommend it.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Falcon 11 Meter Dipole Cb Base Station Antenna

Product Description:
Product DescriptionThis is an Indoor, Outdoor apartment, house, condo, attic or garage CB, Citizens Band Radio Transmitting antenna. It is made to be hung in the rafters or from the ceilings. Or outside on the roof, or between 2 trees or the side of a wall, or whatever you can imagine. It will handle up to 1500 watts PEP and comes pretuned. These can be mounted almost any where, and in any shape, horizontal, vertical, in a V or an L they work. Talk about a stealth base station antenna this is it. Comes with full instructions that shows different ways it can be mounted. This is probably the second Cheapest / Least Expensive Base Station Antenna you can buy. Comes with tuning instructions for adjusting the SWR

Buy cheap Falcon 11 Meter Dipole Cb Base Station Antenna now

Winegard HD6055P Platinum Series FM and HD Radio Antenna Review

Winegard HD6055P Platinum Series FM and HD Radio AntennaI bought this antenna to replace an old TV antenna I had been using for my FM receiver. The stations I most wanted are 75 miles away and the signal was weak and suffered from significant multipath on the old antenna.With the new antenna, these problems have been fixed.I'm very happy with it.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Winegard HD6055P Platinum Series FM and HD Radio Antenna

Product Description:
Get the highest performing FM and HD Radio antenna Winegard builds with the HD6055P. Antenna features rugged construction to withstand the toughest conditions and extreme performance and gain to bring you the very finest FM and HD Radio signals. This antenna will give you maximum range for receiving FM signals.

Buy cheap Winegard HD6055P Platinum Series FM and HD Radio Antenna now Get 12% OFF

SWR METER to Test CB Radio Antennas - Workman - New Review

SWR METER to Test CB Radio Antennas - Workman - NewThe FWD and REV switch was upside down, I noticed it after making silly mistakes by cutting my whip too short. I was trying to cancel my order but seller did not return my e-mails, that is the only reason I removed two star other that that the seller is great. Quick delivery.

Click Here to see more reviews about: SWR METER to Test CB Radio Antennas - Workman - New

Buy cheap SWR METER to Test CB Radio Antennas - Workman - New now

Metra 40-NI10 Nissan Antnna Adapter Review

Metra 40-NI10 Nissan Antnna AdapterThis Antenna Adapter is not nesecary for hook-up in a 2000 NISSAN FRONTIER, It has a standard plug like most American made vehicles.Metra 40-NI10 Nissan Antnna Adapter

Click Here to see more reviews about: Metra 40-NI10 Nissan Antnna Adapter

Product Description:
Marketing description is not available.

Buy cheap Metra 40-NI10 Nissan Antnna Adapter now Get 14% OFF

Audiovox AF1 AM/FM Amplified Stereo Antenna Review

Audiovox AF1 AM/FM Amplified Stereo AntennaI bought the Terk antenna in an attempt to pick up some AM and FM radio stations I was struggling with on my new bookshelf stereo system.Perhpas because of my apartment building, or the quality of the stereo, the antenna didn't offer me much success in picking up stations any better than the factory-provided antenna.I did notice improvement in the static (or lack of it) on stations that were already tuning in fairly well (they went from great to excellent), but the stations that were tuning in "poorly" got no better with the Terk antenna.Overall, it was probably not worth the money paid.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Audiovox AF1 AM/FM Amplified Stereo Antenna

Product Description:
AM/FM 1 is TERK's premium amplified indoor AM/FM antenna. It allows your tuner to receive the purest signal possible. AM/FM 1 features a host of advanced technologies for exceptional antenna performance, such as TERK's unique Pin-dot pre-tuning that zeroes in on even hard-to-get stations by tuning the antenna to the station's frequency.AM/FM 1 is easy to install and use and its compact, stylish high-tech design that complements any home entertainment installation. Pin-dot pre-tuning uses calibrated LEDs to adjust the antenna to a specific frequency for best reception of individual stations. Patented non-coinduction circuitry isolates AM and FM antenna elements from each other for improved reception. Wide band setting receives hard to get AM/FM stations.

Buy cheap Audiovox AF1 AM/FM Amplified Stereo Antenna now

Metra Antennaworks 44-CR72 - Radio antenna - car Review

Metra Antennaworks 44-CR72 - Radio antenna - carI was very happy with the product. It fit pretty well on my 1992 Jeep Cherokee. The mast could fit a little more snug, but it doesn't rattle when driving.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Metra Antennaworks 44-CR72 - Radio antenna - car

Product Description:
For over 50 years, Metra has maintained its cutting edge by paying attention to its marketplace and innovating products to fit the needs of its customers. Metra designs its products to be easy to use and easy on the eyes.This product is designed for the following vehicles:1985 - 1996 Jeep Cherokee;1986 - 1992 Jeep Commanche;1986 - 1992 Jeep Grand Wagoneer.

Buy cheap Metra Antennaworks 44-CR72 - Radio antenna - car now

Delphi MyFi XM Satellite Radio Headset Replacement with Antenna Review

Delphi MyFi XM Satellite Radio Headset Replacement with AntennaWorks tremendously than the lousy plug in antenna that came with the radio.I am actually able to get some reception inside the house for the first time, and outdoors I've never lost a bit of signal.Should be standard equipment with all portable xm radios.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Delphi MyFi XM Satellite Radio Headset Replacement with Antenna

Product Description:
Features:Replacement MyFi headphones.Built-in XM antenna positioned for optimal satellite radio signal reception.Compatible with other xm2go products.

Buy cheap Delphi MyFi XM Satellite Radio Headset Replacement with Antenna now Get 67% OFF

SIRIUS Sportster 4 Satellite Radio Receiver with Car Kit Review

SIRIUS Sportster 4 Satellite Radio Receiver with Car KitLong story short - Nice radio and programming with horrible FM modulation.Don't buy this unless you're going to wire it directly to your car's antenna or radio.

I bought this device last October to listen to college football games during long road trips.It is my first introduction to satellite radio.I've got mixed feelings about the product.

First of all, the unit was fairly easy to get working.I plugged the power and satellite antenna, turned it on, and selected an open FM station in the unit's setup menu.It's pre-tuned to a test station (national weather).I got a clear signal from the satellite just leaving the antenna resting on the dashboard.I activated it online after a couple of tries (didn't have the unit powered up the first attempt).

However, the FM transmission from the unit to my car stereo was awful, borderline un-useable.Even after choosing a completely clear FM station, turning off the car, waving the unit around until I found a sweet-spot, and crossing my fingers, there was always noticeable and very disruptive static interference.Based on what I've read, apparently the FM transmission strength for this unit way below previous models.I'm told the SP-TK2 model has a much stronger signal.I've not been able to determine whether or not that had anything to do with FCC regulations.

For my vehicle, I've overcame the FM transmitter shortcomings by connecting the unit directly to the Ai-net/Changer input on my Alpine radio and using the AUX function.This step eliminated all of the outside static interference and bypassed FM modulation completely.However, part of my attraction to this unit was the plug and play function.My friends and I have taken several road trips this year and I brought the Sirius unit with me.The cars we used did not have A/V inputs, so we had to make due with the lousy FM transmitter.We were able to fight through the static for the sports and talk radio stations, but music was un-listenable.

The unit itself is ok.It's easy to use and the screen has a lot of info.It keeps track of all the scores in sporting events, show and host for talk stations, and song/artist for music stations.It's awkward to mount though, because all of the wires plug into the back of the dock, not the bottom.You need clearance between the back of the unit and the mounting surface for these wires.My two options were to use an air conditioning vent clip or the windshield suction cup.I chose the vent because I didn't want the unit in the sunlight.At night, the unit is very bright.You can turn down the brightness of the screen, but the buttons are backlit with a piercing blue light that can't be adjusted.The rotary knob is especially bright.It looks like I have a big blue glow stick in my car at night.

The programming is pretty good.Sirius carries every NFL game, and nearly all the college football games, which is exactly what I was looking for.They also play a lot of the NBA and NHL games, but I've not paid much attention to them.They have three comedy stations, and several talk/news (including the BBC) radio and sports radio stations.On the other hand, all of their music stations do not meet my sound quality expectations.I have a decent aftermarket stereo, and the music stations sound worse than local FM.They're not terrible, but the difference between listening to a song on Sirius and on a CD is jarring.That said, they have a fair amount of genres represented.You'll hear songs on Sirius that you'll never hear on your local radio.

I've had limited customer service interaction, but it's been all bad.I chose the three month program to start off with.Sirius doesn't give you a very detailed invoice on the billing screen.It simply shows Subscription charge, Activation Fee, and Taxes.The Subscription charge on the invoice did not match what plan stated it should be, it was about $1 more.The Activation Fee was what I expected.However, Taxes came out to the 15% of the sum of Subscription plus Activation.There's not a state in the US that has a 15% sales tax rate.I called them to find out why it was so high.The lady on the phone had no idea what I was talking about.First she tried to explain why there was a charge for activation.It took quite a few minutes to get it across that my question was about the taxes, not the activation fee.Next, she tried to tell me that the tax rate was based on the Houston rate where she was located.The sales tax in Houston is 8.25%, not 15%.And besides, you are supposed to be taxed based on your local rates, not the location of the service center.After trying to get this point across (another 5 minutes) she went to speak to a manager.She came back and offered me a $15 dollar credit for the activation fee, without ever answering my question.I was tired of the conversation, so I took the credit and hung up.I'll try again to get an answer out of them when my three months are up.

All in all, the unit has sort of worked out for me.It works fine in my car, but travels poorly.I can listen to all the sports I want, but the music sound quality leaves much to be desired.It was easy to hook up, but looks silly just clipped onto my air-vent.If all of the short-comings I've described were addressed I'd be very happy with it.

**Update 12/19/2006**
Warning: The unit is dying on me less than three months after I purchased it.Sometime after around 10 minutes of use, the receiver will become locked into "acquiring signal" mode regardless of actual signal strength.Turning the unit off and then on again fixes it, sometimes.I've researched this issue online and apparently it's becoming a common problem.The recommended fix from Sirius is to either re-activate the receiver on-line or return it for a new unit.If I could, I'd knock another star off this review.

**Second Update**I eventually got SIRIUS to send me a replacement head-unit, free of charge.The second radio works just fine.However, I had to ship the original radio back to the manufacturer.A word of warning: if you ship something to Sirius, keep your tracking number.They tried to tell me that they never received my original radio and charged me for the second.I got on the phone and used the UPS website to tell them who in their warehouse signed for the package.The charge was later reversed.

Click Here to see more reviews about: SIRIUS Sportster 4 Satellite Radio Receiver with Car Kit

Product Description:
Get in the game with the plug-and-play Sirius Sportster 4 satellite radioreceiver, which sports a new slim profile while still maintaining the same great featuresfor which the Sportster series is known. Just like other Sirius-compatible receivers, theSportster 4 offers a large, easy-to-read display, a rotary tuning knob, and accessiblebuttons, but now moves seamlessly into your car, home, or boombox. More significantly,the Sportster 4 maximizes the listening experience of Sirius radio's broad sports lineup,with the ability to decode the incoming Sirius digital-quality signal from more than 120music, news, and sports channels. It's also easily transportable, and thanks to thebundled car kit, lets you listen to your favorite satellite radio programs while driving.
An easy-to-read, six-line display tells you the channel name and number, category, artistname, song title, and time simultaneously. The receiver also lets you program up to 30presets of your favorite streams, as well as search by stream, artist name, song title, orcategory. And with a quick press of the One-Touch Jump button, you can instantlyswitch between the traffic and weather reports for your city or any of the other music,news, or entertainment channels. Other programming details include an S-Seek functionthat stores your favorite artists and songs and alerts you when one is playing on any ofthe music channels, direct station tuning via the numeric buttons, and a channel lockoption. Time functions, meanwhile, include an onscreen clock, alarm, and sleep timer, aswell as a program alert that allows the unit to switch to a preprogrammed stream at aselected time.
The Sportster 4 really earns its stripes, however, with its variety of enhanced featuresdesigned specifically for sports lovers. The Game Alert feature prompts you when yourfavorite NFL or other sports teams are playing on Sirius. The Game Zone lists all of yourfavorite teams in one virtual category and lets you select a different team from each ofthe various sports leagues, including the NFL, NBA, NHL, and college sports. And whatsports fan could do without the Sportster's instant replay function, which lets you pause,rewind, and replay 44 minutes of live radio? As soon as you tune to a channel, thereceiver automatically begins storing the audio for later playback.
The Sportster 4 also includes a built-in FM transmitter that sends Sirius radioprogramming to your vehicle's FM tuner, so you don't have to make a direct connectionto enjoy the full array of channels. Simply set an empty FM frequency on your radio andtune the Sportster 4 to the same frequency. This function also works with other FMtuners, such as the one on your home stereo, but is easily paired with the car thanks tothe bundled vehicle kit, which includes everything you need for listening to Sirius whiledriving. Components include a vehicle docking station, a suction cup mount, a ventmount, a DC power supply that plugs into your car's cigarette lighter, a roof-mountantenna, and mounting hardware.
Sirius satellite radio is a subscription service that provides more than 120 channels ofprogramming, from digital-quality music to news, talk, and sports. It is available only inthe lower 48 states--not in Alaska, Hawaii, or U.S. territories. The Sportster 4, whichmeasures 4.5 by 2.9 by 0.6 inches (W x H x D), is backed by a one-year warranty.
What's in the Box
Sportster 4 satellite radio receiver, wireless remote control, lithium battery, vehicledocking station, roof-mount antenna, suction cup mount, vent mount, cigarette lighterpower adapter, mounting hardware, installation guide, Sirius channel information card,user's manual.

Buy cheap SIRIUS Sportster 4 Satellite Radio Receiver with Car Kit now

Delphi SA10006 SkyFi XM Satellite Radio 50-foot Home Extension Cable Review

Delphi SA10006 SkyFi XM Satellite Radio 50-foot Home Extension CableThe wiring for the Delphi extension seems to be really well made.I saw another extension cord, and the wire was very thin and looked like it wouldn't hold up well...especially if you decided to mount the home antenna outside somewhere and have it content with the weather constantly.

I have my Roady 2 home kit in the basement bedroom, and I just ran the cord into a hole in the drop down ceiling, and put it above the ceiling tiles all the way to the stairwell where it gets perfection reception.

The wire is thick and strong, 50 ft is enough for most people, and the connections are well made...works with the Roady series as well as the Sky Fi.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Delphi SA10006 SkyFi XM Satellite Radio 50-foot Home Extension Cable

Product Description:
The Delphi SA10006 SkyFi XM Satellite Radio 50-foot Home Extension Cable is for use with the SkyFi XM satellite radio kits by Delphi. Featuring a 2.3- to 2.4-GHz frequency range, this 50-foot coaxial cable can be used to extend the mounting distance of the hi-gain indoor/outdoor antenna from your SA10103 Delphi SkyFi2 Home Adapter Kit. This cable can be used to in conjunction with the 20-foot cable that is included in the SA10103 kit. Connect up to eight cables for a maximum length of 400 feet of total cable extension.

Buy cheap Delphi SA10006 SkyFi XM Satellite Radio 50-foot Home Extension Cable now

Terk XM4-CLIP Truck/RV XM Satellite Radio Antenna Review

Terk XM4-CLIP Truck/RV XM Satellite Radio AntennaI bought this antenna for use on my Kenworth T600 truck. The smaller antenna that comes with the car accessories kept falling off the truck even if I used velcro and tape. The smaller antenna also does not have a long enough cable to reach some of the higher locations on a big rig truck.

The Terk XM Antenna works well because it comes with two different types of mounting options. (1) You can use the mirror mount to attach it to any round tubular type mirror arm. My Kenworth does not have the tubular mirror arms, but the application still works by using a longer nut/bolt combination available from your local hardware store. (2) Your second option is to use the pressure mount hardware to attach the antenna to any other edge on the truck or RV. It is perfect for mounting the antenna to the top back area of the air dam or to the side back fairings if you don't have an air dam.

My only small complaint and reason for 4 stars instead of 5...

...There doesn't seem to be enough cable (even with the longer one that comes with this model over the normal ones) if you plan to attach it to the back of your truck, such as up on the air dam. You almost need to mount it in this location to get it away from your CB antennas. I first tried mounting it on the mirror arms, but I found many drop-outs on any eastward heading routes since the XM antenna was not high enough on the truck. Supposedly the CB antennas can interfere with the XM antenna if they are mounted too close, which leaves the top of the truck (on the air dam) as the highest location away from the CB antennas. If you are willing to drill a hole in the sleeper or cab then there is plenty of cable to run it inside your truck, hide it behind interior walls, and have it run up and out of your dash area to the XM radio. But without drilling a hole, you have to run it down the back of the sleeper, under the cab and up through any rubber pass-through you can find. By that point you've wasted most or all of the cable length, which limits where you can position the radio.

All in all, great antenna with better overall reception than the run-of-mill XM antennas.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Terk XM4-CLIP Truck/RV XM Satellite Radio Antenna

Product Description:
The low-profile, high-performance Terk XM4-CLIP antenna maximizes yoursatellite radio reception when installed on a truck or RV, giving you digital satellitesound wherever you roam. The antenna, which meets all of XM's specifications formobile antennas, is roughly 10 inches tall (including the base)--a small enough size formost applications. Users also have their choice of mounting methods: a mirror clamp thatinstalls on the driver or passenger side mirror and a U-bracket that mounts on yourtruck's air dam shield, flap, or any other flat surface. Outfitted with a 21-foot coaxialcable and a full set of mounting hardware, the Terk antenna is backed by a one-yearwarranty.
What's in the Box
XM antenna, mirror mount clamps, U-bracket assembly, air dam shield clamp, 21-footcoaxial cable, mounting hardware, user's manual.

Buy cheap Terk XM4-CLIP Truck/RV XM Satellite Radio Antenna now Get 39% OFF

Terk Outdoor HD Radio Antenna HDRO Review

Terk Outdoor HD Radio Antenna HDROI got this antenna hoping it would boost my AM signal.No such luck, great for FM but so is the original antenna that came with the radio. Also you have to connect it to a power supply/amplifier and that means you have torun both a signal and a power line outside your window or drill a hole in the house, neither is a great alternative.I wouldn't mind if it came with a small gauge wire that ran signal and power, but it is standard size shielded cable and power line.Luckily my friend's son is an installer so I can get a professional job, but for the average person this can be a problem.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Terk Outdoor HD Radio Antenna HDRO

Product Description:
Get your high definition radio reception loud and clear with the capable Terk HDRO outdoor HD radio antenna. This antenna is engineered for digital reception on both AM and FM bands. With high gain and an ultra-low noise amplifier design, this antenna ensures you the best possible reception. Easy to install - mast and wall-mount options included.Today, many local radio stations broadcast digital streams known as HD Radio (Hybrid Digital Radio), allowing you to enjoy your favorite FM and AM stations with unprecedented audio quality and with track titles and artist names displayed on your receiver.Stations also have the ability to multi-cast, giving you access to more channels than ever before.Best of all, HD radio is completely free, with no subscription fees.The design of the new TERK HD Radio antenna is optimized for HD radio reception.The high-gain, ultra-low noise amplifier and high-band separation ensure the best possible satisfaction with digital radio receivers.

Buy cheap Terk Outdoor HD Radio Antenna HDRO now Get 43% OFF

XM Sirius Satellite Radio Motorcycle Antenna Review

XM Sirius Satellite Radio Motorcycle AntennaI used to loose the signal on my motorcycle frequently, now I rarely loose a signal.

Click Here to see more reviews about: XM Sirius Satellite Radio Motorcycle Antenna

Product Description:
You are looking at the latest in XM and Sirius Antenna technology! This new XM and Sirius antenna is specifically designed to deliver the highest quality signal with the smallest design for your motorcycle. This antenna is cone-shaped and designed specifically to combat the common problem bikers experience of loosing XM signal due to the decreased height of a motorcycle as compared to a standard vehicle. With this antenna and the excellent music, sports, and talk of XM or Sirius Satellite Radio you are sure to enjoy any bike trip!

Buy cheap XM Sirius Satellite Radio Motorcycle Antenna now

Terk SR1 Glass-mount XM Satellite Radio Antenna Review

Terk SR1 Glass-mount XM Satellite Radio AntennaDO NOT buy one of these.I won't go so far as to specifically blame the seller from whom I bought mine, but it's hard for me to believe he wasn't aware of the problems associated with this antenna.First of all, Terk is no longer an independent company, but rather a division of Audiovox, who doesn't seem to be particularly concerned about providing any support for the Terk brand.Second, the SR1 is now considered an "out-of-date" product, and is afforded only the "Sorry, there's nothing more I can do for you," response when you call Audiovox customer service.

While the "through-the-glass" technology seems like a wonderful idea, Terk's version of it is anything but.I can only ask that you believe me when I tell you that I am absolutely ANAL/OBSESSIVE/COMPULSIVE about things such as installation of an antenna like this.The glass, both inside and out, was as clean and contaminant -free as any piece of glass has ever been.The temperature was right, and the actual application was performed exactly as directed.

The interior half of the unit fell off 3 days after installation, and the exterior part only stayed in place for 4 days more.And when each part fell off, guess what broke in both of them -- the absolutely critical induction coils!


Click Here to see more reviews about: Terk SR1 Glass-mount XM Satellite Radio Antenna

Product Description:
TERK introduces a glassmounted automotive antenna for XM satellite radio. The XM-approved TRK-SR1X features TERK's exclusive ThruGlass technology, which passes DC power, along with the RF signals, through the glass surface. The interior coupler is then hard-wired to the receiver using 16 feet of XMapproved low loss micro coaxial cable, which is pre-terminated with color coded, FAKRA type SMB connectors. The antenna is installed with a special adhesive that is extremely durable yet removable. The TRK-SR1X does not use any permanent mounting techniques, nor does it require any drilling. It also features a fully adjustable hinged mast that can be easily set to the optimum recommended angle for any window, or simply folded down to avoid damage at a car wash or other low-clearance situations.The TRK-SR1X is easy to install on most vehicles. TERK's glass mount satellite radio antenna features dual-mode functionality, receiving simultaneous signals from satellites and terrestrial repeaters to ensure continuous reception. The result is an antenna that offers all the benefits of satellite radio and complements any vehicle.

Buy cheap Terk SR1 Glass-mount XM Satellite Radio Antenna now

Sirius DOT Ultra Low Profile Car Antenna (Black) Review

Sirius DOT Ultra Low Profile Car AntennaI bought this antenna to replace the original which was 3 years old. It is similar to the original and was needed because the wires are very small where they plug into the radio holder station. The same thing happened with the wire that plugs into the car socket for power. The wires just broke off. I now keep them straight because any twisting will cause this to happen again. It works well and I was glad they still make this product for older radios.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Sirius DOT Ultra Low Profile Car Antenna (Black)

Product Description:
The slim, low-profile SIRIUS DOT micro antenna installs unobtrusively on your vehicle's roof or trunk, giving you excellent reception of the SIRIUS signal. The dome antenna measures 2-1/4"" in diameter and only 1/2"" tall, and only works with single-input satellite radios. Its magnetic base provides a secure mount, while the 21-foot cable is long enough for even the largest vehicles.

Buy cheap Sirius DOT Ultra Low Profile Car Antenna (Black) now